How You Can Help?

In todays society our young people are facing bigger challenges than ever. Not only are they strained by the extra educational pressures put upon them, studies suggest that some of their biggest struggles today are family break downs, world issues including the current pressures and issues around Covid19, concerns around climate change, sex and relationships, bullying, social media pressures, working and managing technology, unemployment , financial issues amongst their family or personally; effecting diet, appearance and acceptance as well as the pressures and stresses on them having to make big decisions about their futures and the exams they may face. 

We want to be able to offer a safe and happy space for every young person to come and attend.  We want to offer them the help and support they need and we want to support the individual needs of each person that comes to us. 

''Together we can support them, encourage them and build their confidence, to enable them to feel part of their community and make positive changes for themselves and others.''

 For us to be able to do this we NEED you....

So What can you do to help us support them.........

Music Room


We are after bright colored paint to update the young peoples music room.


we would be very grateful of any usable unwanted instruments for our young people to play.

Music Memorabilia

We are looking for old records, pop memorabilia, and posters to decorate the walls of the music room.

Fancy Dress


We are after a range of wigs for our young people to dress up in

Fancy dress accessories

Any accessories for our young people to dress up with would be appreciated as they all have great fun pretending to be someone else

Fancy Dress Costumes

Any fancy dress clothes or costumes would be gratefully received

Table top games room


we are after grey paint to modernise our table top games room.

Games and equipment

Any unwanted table top games, table top games equipment, models or paint would be gratefully received.


We are after donations of posters regarding table top games such as dungeons and dragons and war hammer.

Sports equipment


We are very short on footballs and would really appreciate any donations.

Sports Balls

We would appreciate rugby balls and tennis balls as well; as rounders balls if you are able to donate.

Comic Books

We are after comic books in good condition for our young people to enjoy. 


We are always in need of Volunteers if you are able to give up some time then please use the link below to get in touch with us and see how you can help. We would love for you to join us.


If you are able to donate any amount of money to the Youth Club it will go a long way in helping us support our young
people of Blandford, whether it cover staffing costs, equipment or specific projects the money will go a long way in making a difference. Please use the link below to directly donate to us now or if you would like to know more on where the money will go or you would like to sponsor something specific then please get in touch.


We are always aiming to offer the young people as much as possible and always want to reach out to as many people as possible this means that we are always in need of resources whether it be new equipment, updating our current equipment or simply replacing what has come to the end of its life. We would be eternally grateful if you would be able to purchase us anything from our Amazon Wish list so we can continue our hard work and continue to reach out to as many people as possible and provide them with as many opportunities and activities as possible.

A Massive Thankyou to those that have already helped
and supported us..



As always please get in contact if you have any questions on how you can help support us via our email...